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Wedding in Grand Hyatt | Mong & Chloe

" I vow to love you and cherish you. I vow to be with you through you brightest days and darkest nights. I vow to be your husband, your friend, your lover, and the man who you can spend the rest of your life with. "

Mong and Chloe are finally getting hitched after years of being in a long distance relationship. We could still remember the intensity of emotion between the two. It is so strong and almost impossible not to adore.

Just like Mong's vow to Chloe. It is every woman's dream to find someone who can be her husband, her best friend, and the pillar of strength that she can rely on forever. We couldn't be happier to see such a perfect union.

Our heartfelt wishes to Mong and Chloe. Thank you for showing us this amazing love that stirred deep inside the core of your hearts.

Cinematography lead by Chief Cinematographer

Photographer : Mun Keat , MunKeat Photography

Venue : Grand Hyatt


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Armadale Wedding Vows Sdn Bhd 201101012696 (940826-X)   | RIGHTS RESERVED

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